Why the underwear was the most valuable thing that the women at the front

History 31/12/19 Why the underwear was the most valuable thing that the women at the front

a Considerable contribution to the Great Victory made by Soviet women, who not only took on the hard work in the rear, but as men participated in the fighting. Almost frightening prospect to die in battle is much worse, as told by Svetlana Aleksievich’s book, “war has no female face”, was to die in men’s underwear. Because until 1944 lingerie in the red army simply was not provided.

On the women’s life on the front, a lot of tells in his memoirs of Lola Akhmetov, held a war from the first to the last day. In spite of all the difficulties which had to face the “soldiers ‘” in the harsh war years, hardly not the main point, which overcame every the fair sex, this idea that she is still a woman. So, she just need to look the part. And as “the army never thought of that”, think had by the girls.

Lola, with shame remembers some moments of his life at the front. According to her, the Scarecrow itself is not possible death, and the fear of looking ugly after death. So hated was the huge satin mens underwear, more like short pants who were forced to wear women on the front. “You’re in a war, are going to die for their country, and you mens briefs. In General, you look ridiculous. Ridiculous.”

As says Anna Begunova in the book “Angels of death”, perhaps the most valuable of women in the war was just underwear. It tried to protect in every way, hiding from the strict elders, striving to throw out of the knapsack all the excess that was not intended by the Charter. And what was the joy of these tired of the hardships of war on women, when in 1944, the troops began to do specialized lingerie.

Real women who survived the war, bore little resemblance to those cuasotec what drew them in the post-war movie. Especially in the first years of the great Patriotic war. Sometimes not even enough men’s clothing, what can we say about women or boots of small size. But the discomfort women experienced from lack of washing and hygiene.

However, on halts and in between the fighting, “the soldier” was constantly thinking about my gender. In the course went all the knowledge and tools available. Soap boiled from animal bones, herbs and flowers, the male form was altered to female, reshapes breeches in neat skirts, Romanelli cheeks reddish clay, and eyebrows and eyelashes summed coal.

carefully women in the war cared about their hair, because in the conditions of insanitary conditions to keep a lush head of hair and protect it from lice and fleas was not easy. What “fierce” solutions, burning skin and eyes, do not come up to not cut hair. And endured everything in order to remain a woman, even in these difficult conditions.

Jaroslav Gorunov

© Russian Seven

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