History 04/02/20 For the citizens of the United States fell into Stalin’s camps
Most of the “population” of Stalin’s Gulag were Russian and other indigenous nationalities of the USSR. However, there were camps and people from abroad, including Americans. And US citizens was quite a lot.
American? So spy!
After the revolution, the Soviets desperately needed skilled workers. The first Americans began to arrive in the USSR in 1920-e years, at first it was mostly enthusiasts of leftist ideas and, subsequently, technical experts. The peak of immigration occurred in 1931 th, when the US Great depression raged. According to some, in the state of the victorious proletariat moved up to 10 million Americans.
Revealing the fate of the mayor of the American industrial colony “Kuzbass” in the city of Kemerovo John Tukalskogo. He was a hereditary workers of the Ford plant and a member of the “Society for technical aid to Russia”. After the dissolution of the colony in 1926 Tucholsky took Soviet citizenship and moved to Gorky in 1938 was accused of espionage. An American life ended on the road to the camp – he died in the prison hospital of Gorky.
For political reasons in 1935, arrived in the USSR, a native of the state of new York Thomas Sgovio. His father – Communist Joseph Sgovio, deported from America and the family settled in Moscow. Thomas trained as an artist and worked in a Soviet publishing houses. In 1937 he was arrested by Joseph Sgovio, Thomas NKVD arrested in 1938 at the gates of the American Embassy. At first a foreigner, recognized as a “socially dangerous element,” condemned to 5 years in labor camps, but in total he spent in the Gulag and in exile for 16 years. Freed Thomas Sgovio in 1954, and to leave the USSR could only after 6 years. In the book “Dear America,” the artist described his experience in a crushing Risochrone in Communist ideas. Memories of Thomas Sgovio about the work in the gold mines in Kolyma, and subsequently used Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
the Hostages wars
the Second major influx of Americans into the camps occurred in the forties and fifties of the XX century. During this period in isolation landed former prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, liberated by the red army. Of the 31 thousand Americans in the US returned only 11 thousand. Many others, after checking by security officers waited for the path to the GULAG. In 1996, the newspaper “new York times” wrote about 500 American prisoners of war, “retaining Stalin as a bargaining chip”. To have shared the fate of soldiers involved in the occupation of Berlin and for various reasons found themselves in the Soviet zone.
the Unenviable fate awaited the American soldiers who fought in the Korean war of 1950-1953 and was captured by the Communists. In particular, we are talking about three dozen pilots and navigators shot down over Korea F-86: there is an assumption that their knowledge was used by Soviet aircraft.
In the US, even made a map on which were marked the point contacts of witnesses with the Americans in camps – such cases number in the hundreds. Some of these stories hit the report “U.S.-Russian Joint Commission on POWs and missing”.
for Example, in August 1949, the German prisoner of war met in the transit camp No. 58 in Vorkuta blonde American Colonel, in perfectly mastered the German language. The Colonel told him that during the Second world war, was abandoned as a lookout in the rear of the Germans and was taken prisoner in East Germany. How was the USSR – is not known.
Famous names of 22 American prisoners of war, which from Korea were taken to the Kirovsky camp near Krasnoyarsk in 1951. They kept a female worker, who handed the prisoner a pencil and a piece of newspaper to write about yourself. The names foster, hatch, Johnson, Larson and the others correspond to the famithe ly of Americans missing in Korea. Many prisoners, according to the researchers, remained in the Soviet prisons and mental hospitals even after the dissolution of the Gulag, although officially the Soviet Union always denied that forcibly holds some of the Americans.
Timur Sagdiyev
© Russian Seven
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