What buried the "leaders" of the USSR

History 07/02/20 than buried In the “leaders” of the USSR

the Funeral of a ruler – responsible action for his successor and close. During Soviet times, the deceased leaders of the country, was interred with great solemnity, and the Union’s mourning lasted for several days. The funeral was engaged in a special Commission, which resolved all arising issues until the clothing that the late king will make his final journey.


Leave out V. I. Lenin and the question of finding his remains in the mausoleum on red square is unsettling many Russians, triggering controversy and disputes. This is a separate issue.

let’s Start with Stalin, whose embalmed body March 9, 1953 was also placed in the mausoleum, but after the debunking of the “cult of personality” on the evening of 31 October 1961, the remains of the Generalissimo still buried near the Kremlin wall.

noted author and journalist Alex Bogomolov in his book “the legend of the first persons of the USSR” (Moscow, 2016 year of publication) noted that the concept of fashion among the higher officials of the Soviet Union was practically absent. Almost all party leaders did not give the appearance of great value.

“the same way Stalin went in fairly modest clothing, usually military or paramilitary. Their overcoats and tunics sensival he was almost to the holes, just getting used to their convenience and not paying attention to any aesthetic considerations,” wrote A. A. Bogomolov.

Specially made for Stalin after the great Patriotic war the uniform of the Generalissimo, he refused to wear because it is too bright and grandiose it seemed this garment the “leader of Nations”. Indeed, the double-breasted jacket Navy blue with red accents, gold buttons, richly embroidered, was in contrast with the usual way of Stalin. Looking at this magnificence, he even said: “I am not a peacock.”

After the death of Generalissimo by the decision of the PresidentYuma of the CPSU Central Committee established a Commission to organize the funeral, the Chairman of which was N. With. Khrushchev. “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” within the framework of the project “Rodina” on March 1, 2018 published documents of the Commission, held in the Russian state archive of socio-political history. This draft protocols, which produced a prominent political figure of L. M. Kaganovich, dated 5 and 6 March 1953.

So, in draft Protocol No 1 of the meeting of the Commission on the organization of the funeral contains the paragraph: “to Establish that the body of comrade Stalin should be placed in a coffin in military uniform (not the front). On the jacket to attach the medals of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Socialist Labor, as well as the straps to orders and medals. The responsibility is on T. Spiridonova”.

Obviously, the comrades in the party knew what kind of hostility the deceased had for its main uniform, so I decided to put his embalmed body in the mausoleum on red square in the usual military jacket.

In the book “the legend of the first persons of the USSR” given the words of the Commissar for foreign Affairs V. M. Molotov: “Stalin was very strict about it treated. It and bury-it is not what it was. Sleeves worn the uniform of the hem, brushed…”.


among the mods can not be ranked and subsequent leaders of the Soviet Union.

“Khrushchev was in this sense a man is quite conservative. The only thing he could do is to put instead of the classic shirt embroidered Ukrainian shirt. As recalled by the Deputy head of his security Nikolay Vasilyev, Khrushchev was dressed only in the Soviet, that was sewn for him in specfile. Even the material for his costume was a Patriotic,” said A. A. Bogomolov.

Conservatism clothing inherent in N. S. Hrushevo, was also evident in the choice of underwear. Old-fashioned pants on the ropes, and the shirts are ribbed wore then a member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee.

Generally, the “father” of the thaw, being a full man short, had a preference for clothes of light tones of free cut, he also wore the classic hat.

In the late 50-ies of XX century costumes for the heads of national importance and members of their families began to sew in specfile, located on Kutuzovsky prospect.

As N. Khrushchev lost his post long before his death, with no commissions on funeral arrangements had not been established. The Soviet authorities tried not to draw attention to the burial of a disgraced politician. Only on 13 September 1971 in the newspaper “Pravda” there was a short message about the demise of this personal pensioner, even an official obituary was not printed.

Writer Roy Medvedev described the funeral of the “father” of the thaw in the book “N. Khrushchev: a political biography” (Moscow, 1990). The author noted that at the Novodevichy cemetery except the relatives of the deceased and foreign journalists gathered quite a lot of people, which are called simple. And safety is ensured by reinforced police patrols and attentive people in civilian clothes.

“Then the mourners were given the opportunity to pass by the coffin. A small orchestra played funeral marches. Khrushchev rested on a scarlet satin, dressed in a black suit and a white shirt with a black tie. His lips were unusual preloaded on the face went waxy, but the profile remained unchanged. Someone was holding over his head an umbrella, kept the rain,” wrote Roy Medvedev.

N. S. Hrusova was buried without official honors, so the decision of where he will go to the light, took the family members of the deceased.


A. Bogomolov in his book brought the memories of Vladimir Musaelyan, who was a personal photographer of Leonid Brezhnev: “to Him all sewed. He was watching looks, loved that costume looked good, the hair was stacked neatly. He is sewn suits and shirts, too, in his measure sewed at the factory. As in life he wore the ordinary clothes. Leisure sports suit, on the hunt, too, just dressed…”.

Brezhnev has not adhered to fashion, but loved the good things made from CAdue to malignant tissues. Often suits and ties for the first person in the state produced from imported materials, and the hat he wore made in the USA. Underwear was also qualitative, or adjusted to, or purchased on special order abroad.

On the death of Leonid Brezhnev to the people of the USSR officially announced on 11 November 1982, although one day earlier, citizens have begun to guess: from the TV show disappeared entertainment and children’s programs, and a traditional concert by Day of militia was canceled. The Commission for organization of funeral was headed by Yuri Andropov.

Farewell to Brezhnev was unprecedented in its scale mourning event in Moscow brought together a representative of the foreign delegation. Sincerely mourned and ordinary citizens.

the Decision of what clothes to be buried dead, took members of the Commission on organization of funeral of Leonid Brezhnev in agreement with his family and friends. Judging by the available images of domestic and foreign photographers as well as for personnel of television Chronicles, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee was put in a coffin in a tailored black suit, white shirt and maroon tie.

the Many medals that adorned the jacket of the deceased during official events during his life, was put on special pads.


a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU Victor Grishin wrote a book of memoirs “of the USSR. Political portraits of the five General secretaries” (Moscow, 2013), which gave a detailed description of Yuri Andropov.

“In politics, Orthodox in practice, a straight, inflexible, to some extent, bureaucratic. The conservatism of Yuri Andropov manifested in his personal life, behavior. It is different from the isolation, the quiet, cautious, distrustful attitude towards people, the secrecy of personal life, lack of desire to communicate with colleagues… Dressed Andropov monotonous. Long black coat in winter and autumn, a dark suit, unchanging a dark gray felt hat, even in summer in thoseplay weather,” so V. V. Grishin remember a colleague in the Politburo.

Clothing Andropov testified not only about his secrecy and isolation, but also about belonging to the security forces. The KGB of the USSR (the Agency for a long time was headed by future Secretary General) and other “bodies”, too, wore a nondescript classic suits.

Roy Medvedev in his book, “Political portraits. Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov” (Moscow, Russia, 2015 year of publication) noted that the funeral of two General secretaries was held on the same scenario, because between the mourning events took only 15 months. And the Chairman of the Commission on organization of the funeral of Yuri V. Andropov was Konstantin Chernenko. Residents of the Soviet Union had noticed a pattern: who heads this Commission, he becomes the successor of the deceased.

According to photos and recordings of television broadcasts from 14 February 1984, shows that the body Andropov put it in covered in red satin coffin. The deceased was dressed in a classic dark blue suit, white shirt and tie to match the suit. This outfit, though a civilian, but his cut and a color reminiscent of the uniform of law enforcement officers.


Konstantin Chernenko ruled the country for very long, most of that time, the Secretary was seriously ill. His death was not unexpected for the USSR citizens, accustomed to the pompous funeral of the elderly members of the Politburo.

Being a typical representative of the Communist party, Konstantin Chernenko was wearing classic dark suits, usually black or dark gray, with white shirts. Under his jacket the Secretary-General on formal occasions you can see the grey wool vest. Apparently, due to health problems he was trying to dress warmer.

the day of the death of Konstantin Chernenko on March 10, 1985 was a turning point in the history of the USSR, after all, soon to replace his old party elite has come a new generation of politicians headed by M. S. Gorbachev, began a completely different era.

The photos and footage Chronicles the TV shows that Chernenko went to the CBEt in a black suit, white shirt and black tie.

the Commission for the funeral of the late General Secretary was headed by M. S. Gorbachev.

Origanum Tanatarova

© Russian Seven

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