Bahnhof Friedrichstraße am 04.08.2017 in Berlin-Mitte Der Bahnhof Berlin Friedrichstraße liegt in Berlin-Mitte zwischen Friedrichstraße und Spree und diente während der deutschen Teilung als Grenzbahnhof. Nach dem Bau der Berliner Mauer lag der Bahnhof an einer der durch Ost-Berlin führenden Transitlinien des West-Berliner Nahverkehrsnetzes. S-Bahn Anzeigetafel am Bahnsteig Bahnhof Friedrichstraße BerlinStation Friedrichstrasse at 04 08 2017 in Berlin centre the Station Berlin Friedrichstrasse is in Berlin centre between Friedrichstrasse and Spree and served during the German Division as Frontier after the Construction the Berlin Wall LAG the Station to a the through East Berlin leading the WEST Berlin S Railway Scoreboard at Platform Station Friedrichstrasse Berlin

According to the federal police, six men attacked and seriously injured a 34-year-old at Friedrichstrasse station.

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The federal police said on Monday that the men had gotten into an argument with the Ukrainian on a S-Bahn line 7 around 1.30 a.m. on Sunday night. When he got off at Friedrichstrasse station, they attacked him with punches, kicks and a glass bottle. Then the perpetrators fled.

The federal police initiated investigations into dangerous bodily harm. She is also looking for witnesses who can provide information on the identity of the attackers.