The industrial group Thyssenkrupp wants to get on with the planned reduction of 6,000 jobs, including 4,000 in Germany, as far as possible without layoffs for operational reasons. The Board of management, IG Metall and the works Council agreed. “Today’s agreement determines the rules of the game for the group tag”, – said the Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the IG Metall Secretary, Markus Grolms the Reuters news Agency. This will give the employees safety. “Redundancies are to be avoided and cases are only the exception.” Personnel Director Oliver Burkhard confirmed this on his Twitter Account: “compulsory redundancies, we want to avoid, but they are exceptions (ultima ratio).”
Supervisory Board boss Martina Merz was behind the plans of the chief Executive officer, Guido Kerkhoff, the wants to bring, among other things, the lucrative Elevator business in part to the stock market and lower the cost. “In the implementation of the strategic realignment, we will accompany the Board,” she explained. The workers ‘ representatives strengthened the Manager is also the back. “The transformation of Thyssenkrupp is, unfortunately, unavoidable”, – said the IG Metall Secretary, Grolms. “With the basic agreement’s minimum standards for the fair treatment of workers are now set.”
reorientation to past splitting
Thyssenkrupp is facing a radical change in strategy. The group had canceled on Friday its planned split into two independent companies and the merger of its steel division, with the Indian competitors, Tata stopped. You no longer reckon with the approval of the merger by the EU Commission, had said Thyssenkrupp CEO Guido Kerkhoff. The competition watchdogs of the offered sale of individual works do not have enough. Further concessions would not make Thyssenkrupp and Tata.
In the discussions about the future of the tradition group, with around 160,000 employees of the North Rhine-switched-Westphalian Prime Minister, Armin a Laschet. He insists that the tag of Thyssenkrupp generated income for the group flow. “Proceeds of an IPO or potential Disposals must be invested in the future of Thyssenkrupp, in order to the majority of the jobs can be secured,” said the CDU politician after a Meeting with the chief Executive officer of Kerkhoff and employee representatives Grolms in food.