"They had gloves blood": the mysterious death of a businessman in Novosibirsk have discussed on the program Malakhov

the Story of the mysterious death of the Novosibirsk businessman Alexei Khrebtova became the object of discussion on the TV program “live,” which leads Andrei Malakhov, the release was called “Death in live: who is to blame for the death of a businessman?”

on the Night of April 2 Novosibirsk travel blogger Anatoly gomzikov came to visit his Internet friend Alex Hrebtov. They were talking on Instagram, but personally met for the first time. Men the entire night drinking moonshine and beer, and in the morning Hrebtov was found dead under the Windows of his house — he fell from the window. Gamzatov once said that, after drinking, fell asleep, woke up, did not find Khrebtova in the apartment and went to his home. Two months later, the Leninsky district court sent Gomzyakova in jail.