"The virus is killing the business." The story of two mothers — they opened a private kindergarten, and after 3 weeks broke out quarantine

We continue to explore how Novosibirsk business going through these difficult times coronavirus. Today its history is divided Mariya Starostina, co-founder of the kindergarten ASTROKIDS. What problems has faced its business as now survive private kindergartens that awaits them in the future? She spoke about it in his newspaper column. Further, in the first person.

the Idea to open a kindergarten appeared long ago: we are both moms, but because we know how hard it is to find the perfect place for your child. Active work on this project we started in December and then about the pandemic was not the question, only a single distant headlines about some new virus in China. We found a suitable place and began to bring their idea to life. The second of March we opened, and at the end of the same month issued a decree of the Governor of isolation.

the opening had invested all our money, so in April-may about any loans could not be considered, as these loans then have more to give. We began to look for other sources of income. We had a stock in the form of financial cushion. Even tried to go online, but since our business opened recently and customer base have not been, then nothing happened. Another tried to sell tickets to future: can you buy in April or may and go later when I lift the quarantine and cancel the isolation. And many parents really enjoyed this, as season tickets can save a lot. Especially beneficial for those planning to drive to us several children.