This morning began the second part of the reconstruction of the shooting incident with the Iraqi-Kurdish toddler, Mawda (2) that he died. The agent, who is a deadly shot fired during the chase, the mensensmokkelbusje explains the process of what is going on.
The mensensmokkeltransport was in may of last year, in the dark, on the run from police that the van wanted to stop. During the chase, fired a police officer shot. The bullet pierced Mawda’s cheek. The child was taken to a hospital, but he died in the ambulance. It turned out that the communication between the different police services take on a bad schedule.
in Early June, and the alleged driver of the minivan that the family of the Mawda carried all the explanation about it in the course of which is fatal nacht.De the father of the shot girl and had to get the people to say it’s everything in the city was over. Also, it is to see the story from the cop horen.De mother-of-Mawda, there is not one of them, just like the last time. It takes the confrontation to be too heavy.
as The reconstruction takes place in a hangar at the former premises of the civil protection in Ghlin (Mons).