Kortrijk, Which is held in the beginning of may, in the messaging app Telegram launched in police-group-B/WVL is rapidly becoming more popular it is, you have to shoot with some of the people going down the wrong way. They are not an administrator, Joerie Parent (22), from Kortrijk and describes itself as ” the Robin Hood of the driver’. “You’re giving of such actions, the risk of verkeerscowboys to the dance”, is the response of vessels from the Mobility and Health Weydts (sp.(a). “The group will make people more aware of the rules of the traffic,” says The Parent.
“It will be your child, but that is messed up is being driven by a drunken driver,” is going to Capture Weydts further. “Robin Hood, came to the throne at the. I’d rather have a Robin Hood show for the victims of road accidents, in place of hardrijders, and the people who are under the influence, driving comes to mind. Tip: go for a drive will never be fast, and do not get behind the wheel. Then you don’t get a fine. And most of all: it is not likely that someone has messed up runs,” said Weydts.
It will be your child, but that is messed up is being driven by a drunken driver. Ships to Capture Weydts