Deutsche Bahn is allowed to pay for customers with residence outside Germany will not deny, purchased online Tickets by direct debit. This is discriminatory and is in breach of EU law, the advocate General of the European court of justice, Maciej Szpunar. His opinion (case C-28/18) will be the basis for a judgment of the European court of justice (ECJ). The evaluation is for the judge, while not binding, they usually follow her.
Background of the opinion the action of the Austrian consumer protection against the Deutsche Bahn. You complain that the company should not be allowed to dictate to the consumer at the time of the SEPA direct debit scheme in accordance with EU law, in which country he will also see his account. Because the rail grinding their customers, however pre that you should have your residence for this type of payment in Germany, implies that the account had to be there.
Szpunar followed the line of reasoning. He also pointed out that companies would not offer to Pay by direct debit. If you want to be there but, in General, would do – as in the case of the railway – would it also be discrimination-free.
judgment of the ECJ judges is expected in the coming months.