After the Numbers are now on the table, has begun the struggle for its Interpretation. A part of the CDU/CSU will in the face of lower tax the company’s income relieve to stimulate the economy, which should then rinse again with additional taxes in the coffers. Another part argued that it had to be saved, and therefore there is no money for such measures. And the SPD wants to put in the government the “right priorities”, where nobody knows exactly what that means.
The Grand coalition has a theme, about which you can argue. This estimate of the Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, the current tax all derive, not that: A statement of the financial resources of the Federal Republic of Germany. For three reasons.
first of all, The tax revenues continue to rise, due to the gloomier growth prospects, but not as quickly as in the case of the tax estimated in the last autumn forecast. Part of the reduction in revenues is also taken into account already in the budget plans, which have been prepared in accordance with this estimate. In the coming year to 1.6 billion euros, missing the Federal. This is a lot of money, but not the world.
The “debt brake” would be
Secondly: The Federal government in Germany is just one of many state actors. There are countries, municipalities, social insurance. And where it goes, at least in part, financially relatively well. According to estimates by the European Commission, the General government budget surplus will amount this year to about one percent of the economic output.
Third: nowhere is It written that the state budget should always be balanced. The debt ratio drops rapidly, you will fall this year for the first time, again under the upper limit of the EU 60 per cent of economic output. Investors from all over the world would lend to the Covenant love of fresh money, as the interest rate markets. At the Moment, the interest rates are so low that the state would have to pay back every Euro after ten years, only about 90 cents.
The debt brake in the basic law of the borrowing limits. This can, however, for example, by establishing a budget outsourced investment companies, easy to get around. This allows the debt brake, because under certain conditions, investments on the public debt will be credited.
tax estimate of 124 billion euros, less-than-expected Germany expects from 2019 to 2023 with significantly less tax than previously estimated. That, however, had no reason for concern, Federal Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz. © Photo: Silas Stone More State? More Market?
in other words: No political project is doomed to fail in Germany is currently in the money. It is enough to Finance the Transformation of the energy system, to start a real education campaign to modernise the armed forces or to reduce the taxes for the citizens.
This does not mean that you should Finance all of the without taking into consideration losses. But the dispute about the money on the cart before the horse in the back: The political debate should be about the direction of this country in the face of the challenges posed by climate change, current geopolitical upheavals and the threat of division in society. More State? More Market? A little bit of everything? Or how, for example, to ensure that the necessary investments can be implemented in the context of scarce capacity in the construction industry.
therefore, It would be to develop concepts, to formulate plans to create structures. The need of money can find.