Tag: the driver

In Novosibirsk two drivers staged a fight on the road — one of them pulled out a gun

In Novosibirsk two drivers staged a fight on the road — one of them...

The machine they left on an oncoming lane
The drivers stood in devyatikilometrovy tube in the center of Berdsk

The drivers stood in devyatikilometrovy tube in the center of Berdsk

The movement is paralyzed in both directions
The drivers stood in a five-kilometer traffic jam on the outskirts of Novosibirsk

The drivers stood in a five-kilometer traffic jam on the outskirts of Novosibirsk

Now on Berdsk of highway are road works, which will end only in a month
The Ministry of health was postponed until 2021 checks of drivers on alcohol

The Ministry of health was postponed until 2021 checks of drivers on alcohol

The new rules of checkup will come into force in January
"Teacher" on the road: the driver decided to teach the other and staged the accident of 6 cars. Look how he did it

“Teacher” on the road: the driver decided to teach the other and staged the...

Deal with the accident, which staged provocateur
Drivers bulk refuse CTP: tell what countermeasures are preparing power

Drivers bulk refuse CTP: tell what countermeasures are preparing power

In Russia again wants to increase the penalties for driving without insurance, although there are alternatives
Insidious Prospekt in Novosibirsk, where drivers forget to give way and I

Insidious Prospekt in Novosibirsk, where drivers forget to give way and I

Look at the intersection of Lenin street and Komsomolsky Avenue
Tube for 3 miles to Novosibirsk drivers stuck on Northern detour

Tube for 3 miles to Novosibirsk drivers stuck on Northern detour

On a section of road organized a reverse movement
Where are you going? The driver of "Prado" decided that the most intelligent, and rode the tube to the left — and look what happened

Where are you going? The driver of “Prado” decided that the most intelligent, and...

Deal with collision at the intersection of 25 years of October and Aircraft manufacturers


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