Tag: speak
Inhabitants of Dzerzhinsky and Kalininsky districts of 10 days will be without hot water...
The tests of thermal networks will begin from July 20
Surgeon Andrew Halzov and nurse from the city of Iskitim were in the “memory...
Just a list of 7 doctors from the Novosibirsk region
This week in Novosibirsk will start a new teplosbytovaya — published a list of...
Off will be in four areas
Power choose of Novosibirsk, which will test for antibodies to the coronavirus, you can...
In the region plan to test 2688 people of different ages
After a long weekend shut off the hot water in the center of Novosibirsk...
Hot water will not be high until June 26
Summer in Novosibirsk will begin with the supply of hot water — the list...
The outage will affect 5 districts
A radiologist from Novosibirsk included in the “memory List” of dead health care workers...
Now the list of more than 250 people from different regions
“We call for a boycott!”: Novosibirsk feminists opposed the concert of Rammstein
They believe that the singer used fans for sexual exploitation and PR
The court sided with the residents of the house in the Bialowieza — they...
Residents in court challenged the servitude imposed on the road, but the municipality can still appeal the decision
Organize, and not be distracted by little things: a list of useful tools for...
Igor Mann answered the most frequent questions about udalenku