Tag: publikovat

Inhabitants of Dzerzhinsky and Kalininsky districts of 10 days will be without hot water — we publish the list of streets

Inhabitants of Dzerzhinsky and Kalininsky districts of 10 days will be without hot water...

The tests of thermal networks will begin from July 20
Plot Ippodromskaya highway two weeks will close at night. The published map overlaps

Plot Ippodromskaya highway two weeks will close at night. The published map overlaps

The reason is the construction of the fourth bridge
The mayor of Novosibirsk has allowed restaurants to use under annuals more land (published document)

The mayor of Novosibirsk has allowed restaurants to use under annuals more land (published...

To place the site will be on municipal and non-delimited territories
The court decided that the NSPU teacher raped a student and forced to refute defamatory information. Published a refutation

The court decided that the NSPU teacher raped a student and forced to refute...

Although the student came to court and said that really spoke to journalists about the rape
The government NSO has published a document that allows to open small shops — the published text

The government NSO has published a document that allows to open small shops —...

Shops with clothes and shoes that are on the markets, it will not work
That's why people walking: the chef sent the Governor a letter after the party, on Lenin. The published text

That’s why people walking: the chef sent the Governor a letter after the party,...

They persistently asked to allow them to work. And lists 12 conditions that are ready to go
Siberian showed how to look flashy people. Published impressive photos — find them yourself

Siberian showed how to look flashy people. Published impressive photos — find them yourself

She believes that urban residents are saving yourself a lot of stress that is nowhere to throw out


clear sky
15.7 ° C
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21 %
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Best Amazon Echo or Alexa Speaker for You: Comparison Guide

In the world of smart speakers, the Amazon Echo and Alexa speakers reign supreme. From the compact Echo Pop to the innovative Echo Show...