Tag: picture

Siberian released the chocolate with the image of Wagin and sells it to women for 500 rubles per tile

Siberian released the chocolate with the image of Wagin and sells it to women...

The artist compares his taste with orgasm and believes that it will save shoppers from sexual trauma
How many available beds remained in kovenig hospitals? And whether they do? Show in one picture

How many available beds remained in kovenig hospitals? And whether they do? Show in...

In total, the region has more than 4,5 thousand places for patients with coronavirus and suspicion on him
How desperate is the catering of Novosibirsk — show in one picture

How desperate is the catering of Novosibirsk — show in one picture

How many days closed Novosibirsk restaurants and cafes
Top Novosibirsk doctors with the highest salaries: show the rating of one picture

Top Novosibirsk doctors with the highest salaries: show the rating of one picture

The list includes hospitals and clinics of Novosibirsk, and one health facility from Berdsk
Why are trees near your home can cut down or trim — shown in the pictures

Why are trees near your home can cut down or trim — shown in...

In the mayoralty of Novosibirsk has explained that there are at least seven signs emergency tree
How many beds for patients with coronavirus in Novosibirsk and how they are filled — shown in the four pictures

How many beds for patients with coronavirus in Novosibirsk and how they are filled...

Sometimes patients have to wait for a space in the city hospital in the hallway
Siberian arranged a photo session for her daughter — the picture was in Vogue

Siberian arranged a photo session for her daughter — the picture was in Vogue

Aesthetic reflections on the model's face received with a gentle light from the window.
As the city's residents are opening stores? The results of a survey of 4 thousand people in one picture

As the city’s residents are opening stores? The results of a survey of 4...

This week has opened stores area of less than 400 square meters. People reacted to this in different ways
"People come with their families": as in the pictures looks like pneumonia and where in Novosibirsk to make a CT

“People come with their families”: as in the pictures looks like pneumonia and where...

How much is a survey? And what will it show? Understand together


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Renault 5 Turbo 3E: World’s First Electric Mini-Supercar

Renault 5 Turbo 3E: A Sneak Peek at the World's First Electric Mini-SupercarThree years after its initial concept launch at the Paris Motorshow in...