Tag: Iskitim
Warm winter allowed to go Iskitim from the list of cities with the dirtiest...
Roshydromet also called city of the country with the highest level of pollution in the atmosphere
Surgeon Andrew Halzov and nurse from the city of Iskitim were in the “memory...
Just a list of 7 doctors from the Novosibirsk region
“I did not give any percent that she will survive”: in Iskitim from the...
Siberian several times he was moved to intensive care, where she was twice cardiac arrest
In the Novosibirsk region has died the first patient with a coronavirus from Iskitim
The cause of death while installing
“People are still conscious but can’t breathe”: a nurse from Iskitim month worked in...
Before the trip, she did not believe in the seriousness of the new virus, and now advises friends not to leave the house