Tag: grow
“Almost 1.5 pounds!”: near Novosibirsk in the garden grew a huge tomato
For the plant has been carefully tended
In the story deceived by the tourist Agency “Luxury travel” has increased the number...
All of them initiated under the article "Fraud"
The city bald: 7 places in Novosibirsk, where until recently there were trees —...
Under construction leave entire forests and fields. Don't believe? Let's see how has changed the landscape of the city in 15 years
Mites brutalized: the number of bites has tripled in less than a month
About 4% of ticks was encephalitis
In Akademgorodok has grown rare mushrooms, but they are not shown as they look
Mycologists-lovers say that they first found in Western Siberia
An outbreak of coronavirus in the hospital № 34: the number of cases of...
Suspended the work of two branches
Cute, dinner on the windowsill: how to grow rucola, lemongrass and then if at...
For some plants even with the ground won't need