Surgeon Andrew Halzov and nurse from the city of Iskitim were in the "memory List" of doctors who died of coronavirus

In the Federal List “memory” of those killed in the pandemic coronavirus health workers appeared two physician of the Novosibirsk region.

According to the site, Irina Antohina worked as a nurse in the Central hospital of infectious diseases in the city of Iskitim. Her death became known. Relatives of the deceased said that she worked in coronavirus the team almost from the beginning of the pandemic in the region. In the hospital, the woman was suffering from shortness of breath. After she was transferred on artificial lung ventilation.

On the death of Andrew Halizova, surgeon of Road clinical hospital, Novosibirsk, brother of the Minister of health of the Novosibirsk region Konstantin Halzov, it was announced today. Information about this was confirmed in a medical facility. According to NGS, the man was in the hospital for more than two weeks ago.