Mode isolation in the Novosibirsk region was extended until June 30. Without tightening and easing. This means that bars, cafes, restaurants and shopping centers will be opened soon. The government’s decision stirred up the region for a few hours read the news more than 90 thousand people. We studied the response of readers of NGS and read all the comments — someone lost a job for the months of isolation, someone who lives on minimum wage, someone happy to sit at home, and someone blames the party-goers, believing that the scandalous party influenced the decision of the authorities. We gathered all the pain of citizens in 17 opinions, and at the end of the material you will survey. Tell us how you feel about the extension of the regime of isolation — approve, strongly opposed or you don’t care.
“Spit on the markets and the SEC”. The reaction of Siberians to extend the self-isolation until July — 17 hot opinions