The social Democrats have brought up with their basic pension in a difficult Position. Your so-called respect of the pension of the Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, provides that those who have worked 35 years and in the pension Fund deposited at the end of a pension that is at least ten percent above the base backup. But since it is clear that tax revenues in the coming years the economy because of the discount is lower than expected, is in search of any other financing. Therefore, the SPD is now considering, apparently, a year five billion euros for the projects in part on the re-financing of the social funds.
such An approach would not be new. The CSU brought about their questionable mothers pension. And yet, the social Democrats should let such Considerations rather. They are economically irresponsible, because suddenly the basic pension and the health insurance funds and the Federal employment Agency would be financed – which is simply their task. In the case of the basic pension, it is a task for the whole society, the officials and the self-employed contribute. In addition, be deducted in the case of social funds, funds that are urgently needed.
Nevertheless, the Dilemma of the SPD is understandable. On the respect of a pension? This defeat can’t you allow yourself. At the same time, Finance Minister Olaf Scholz wants to receive the black Zero to meet alone, not to the cliché of the debt, making social Democrats. The basic pension is contrary to and without a means test.
so What to do? The SPD could adhere to the demands of the coalition partners and back to the means test. That’s exactly what they has been agreed in the coalition agreement with the Union, but then withdrew. This led to Trouble with the Union: a Millionaire wives can receive the Bonus just like hairdressers. With an examination, the number of Legitimate welfare of the estimated could be up to four million to 130,000 people limit. Alone, that would also be the wrong Signal, not only because of the enormous bureaucracy: Hubertus Heil is right when he warns that the means test would discourage many people to apply for the basic pension. This is evidenced by the practice in the case of other social benefits, such as the housing allowance.
A balanced budget is not everything p class=”article article__
of Course, a balanced budget is worthy of all honor. And Yes: You can only spend the money that was previously generated. However, this Mantra is as true as the fact that a social market economy must also alleviate social imbalances.