The shortage of skilled workers in the German Parliament wants to immigrate new skilled workers immigration law, The law should make it for people with a vocational training from outside the EU more attractive to Germany. So far, only academics were advertised. © Photo: Ralf Hirschberger
The Bundestag has for the first time to advise on the proposed law, which aims to make it easier for skilled professionals to immigrate to Germany. Professionals from States beyond the EU which have a contract of employment and a recognised qualification, should be able to work accordingly in the appropriate Professions in Germany. The Cabinet had already decided in December 2018.
The proposed law aims to make Germany for Non-EU foreigners with vocational training more attractive. So far, the immigration policy had focused on professionals with academic qualifications.
Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, founded it with a strong shortage of skilled workers in many regions of Germany. “We want our country to be running more economically, and therefore, securing skilled workers is a question of economic reason”, said the SPD politician.
He defended the project against criticism that Jobs could be at risk of domestic workers. First, the domestic potential should be used. The defect was “nevertheless so great that we need to Supplement qualified, well-trained people, also from abroad, in order to get”.
“We allow the immigration of those who use us”
An analysis of the Federal Agency for work with him, according to the possibilities of the skilled labour immigration from outside the EU are finally. They should be supplemented “by increasing the recruitment of skilled workers from third countries”, – stated in the analysis of the editors ‘ network Germany, quoted. The working conditions and wages, particularly in shortage professions such as nursing do not correspond often to the wishes of the interested parties. Rising cost of living and high social security contributions reduced the incentive.
German interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) called the plans a “historical position”. The Union in the Bundestag, the law provides for in connection with a different design for better enforcement of the obligation to leave the country. Only through the combination of the two projects-a holistic approach, created for domestic policy, the competent Deputy Union faction leader Thorsten Frei (CDU), said. “We allow the immigration of those who use us, and we will enforce the obligation to leave those who have to leave our country. Both laws go Hand-in-Hand.” The Union “for immigration in the workplace and not to the employment office”. A job offer, and a qualification according to German Standards were and remained a crucial prerequisite.
The local government Association warned the Federal government against job-search could not leave at the end of from outside the EU in the case of unsuccessful efforts, on a voluntary basis. Now, he added, is not only inadequate, the departure of rejected asylum seekers to enforce, said managing Director Gerd Landsberg, the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung.
“More of a prevention law”
The FDP, the labour market expert John bird criticized, however, according to the forecasts of the CDU/CSU and the SPD, the proposed law would be sufficient to cover the skilled workers in Germany. “The studies show that the existing annual demand of 260,000 skilled workers, the skilled workers immigration law, compared to only an expected additional skilled labour immigration of 25,000 people.” Also AfD, the Left and the greens have criticised the draft law.
green group chief Katrin Göring-Eckardt said, the law of the government of a prevention law rather than a modern immigration law. Left-the Deputy Susanne Ferschl said that it will not claim a shortage of skilled workers, there is. Rather, it is in good working conditions. The AfD Deputy Gottfried Curio spoke of a “sham” to promote immigration and “poverty migration under qualified fuel” will.
to be Advised to be tolerated in the Bundestag a bill, by the foreigners, who include a qualified vocational training or employment, their livelihood and well-integrated. Until now, people without a home are allowed to visit law schools and a training. Both laws will take effect in January 2020. Before you have to go through the Bundestag and the Bundesrat.