(OTTAWA) New Democratic Party (NDP) Leader Jagmeet Singh will begin a two-week tour on Friday to promote Liberal budget measures the party takes credit for, starting with the new national dental program .
“We’re proud,” Singh repeated Thursday, listing how the NDP has “forced this government” to help Canadians have more money in their pockets at a time when they need it most, but also to improve their health.
Establishing a dental plan for Canadians with incomes below $90,000 is a central part of the deal struck a year ago that keeps Justin Trudeau’s Liberals in power until 2025 with the support of New Democrats.
But Singh believes his party’s influence has also “forced” the government to double the GST credit – which the Liberals bill as a discount on groceries – and “tie up investments to deal with the climate crisis with good wages”.
“We’re going to say: imagine what we can do if we got these big victories with 25 deputies and imagine if we have more deputies, what we could have done [by forming a government]”, he said. he said at a press conference.
The cities of Toronto, Montreal, Saint John (Newfoundland and Labrador), Halifax, Windsor, Hamilton, Saskatoon and Coquitlam are already on the program. Mr. Singh intends to grant interviews, make visits, meet activists and participate in public events where he will always communicate his message.