Siberian received "Mail of Russia" antique set of 10 thousand — opening the parcel, she saw the shards

the Inhabitant of Novosibirsk Darya Makarova ordered for his birthday antique set of 10 thousand rubles, but, opening the parcel, found the broken dishes. Order it done via Express EMS service of “Mail of Russia”.

History of the parcel

— I have many years of auctions buying utensils, so this is not my first purchase. Used different companies, but the courier service of “Mail of Russia” EMC for the first time. And standard delivery by Russian post from Moscow, which is in the range of 300-400 rubles, depending on the size of the box, never kosyachila. But this time, I asked the sender to check the mail: if they can do expedited shipping so the package arrived by 1 June. I wanted for my birthday, drink tea from this set. And the sender said in the mail, that is — crockery, Antiques, glass. She said that I need to take the Express, because only this guarantees a quick and careful delivery. The seller also knew, as all it is necessary to send: each piece was wrapped in “paperco”, not in a single layer, between objects was laid crumpled wrapping paper and another box inside was lined with several layers of “luperci”. It was all Packed in the mail in the presence of employees, — told the correspondent NGS Daria Makarova.