History 27/12/19 “Shoot everyone!”: as a General Margelov disarmed a drunken hour

“the Victory makes the soldier” — the words of Vasily Filippovich Margelov, who is called “father” of airborne troops. General has always valued the ordinary, and perhaps that’s why I thought that in an emergency, which occurred in 1953 in the 98th division, the fault of the regimental commander, not the hour, touched with alcohol. For Lieutenant Colonel Vlasov from Margelov was rather a hard determination.

emergency airborne

If you believe Boris Kostin, the author of the book “Margelov”, this story was told her direct witness, chief of staff of the 37th guards corps, Tamendarov. According to Tamindarova, an extraordinary event happened in 1953 in the 98th airborne division. One of the soldiers of this division, whose name, unfortunately, none of the witnesses can not remember, was able to push through a sentry post on alcohol, got drunk and demanded to bring him a company commander. It turned out that shortly before the promised time of vacation, but his promises are not kept. So annoyed fighter and decided to get even.

whatever it was, the sentry fired a gun at the ready and threatened to kill anyone who comes near it. The company commander, realizing that it took a serious turn, prefer to hide, while the rest took up the negotiations with the military. However, neither the regimental commander, Lieutenant Colonel Vlasov, nor the commander of the division, Colonel Frost soldiers did not listen. Then they requested the corps commander Vasily Margelov in order to obtain permission to apply to a drunken sentry guns. But Margelov ordered in any case not to shoot at the soldier, and he went to the scene. A General took the chief of staff Tamindarova.

Negotiations with the time

Arrived in part, Vasily Margelov immediately expressed a desire to personally talk with the time. A trip to Egypt.despite the entreaties of the officers, who fearing for his life Margelov, advised him not to come close to inadequate and even armed with a machine soldier, “uncle Bob” still began negotiations. Tamendarov argued that before talking Margelov laid his hands behind his back, where he kept a gun. However, the General’s son, Alexander Margelov, in his book “Paratrooper No1. Army General Margelov,” says that his father’s weapon, perhaps a really was, but certainly not in the hands.

To start Margelov asked the sentry if he knows him. The soldier replied in the affirmative. Interestingly, later, the General admitted Tamindarova that after hearing from a soldier: “You are the corps commander of the airborne troops”, he understood that mentality at the time was all right. After this kind of “greeting” Vasily Filippovich demanded that the offender put the gun on the ground, but he was asked Margelov to stay away, threatening to open fire. However, the captain took a few steps forward, throwing open his coat, and gave the soldier honestly that in the case of voluntary surrender of weapons no sanctions against him will not follow.

“Combat soldiers” and a bad regiment commander

Margelov was a subtle psychologist and was able to communicate with ordinary, therefore, not surprising that the time General believe and really put the machine on its feet. According to Oleg Smyslov in his book “General Margelov” Vasily Filippovich quickly walked over to the drunken soldier, hugged him, and then together they sat down on a log and lit a cigarette. It is noteworthy that, despite the incident, Margelov called the time of “combat soldier”. Inviting the soldier to come with him to the corps headquarters, Margelov said goodbye to everyone, including with the commander of the division, Colonel frost.

But the Colonel Vlasov this honor is not rewarded. Margelov decided that Vlasov was a bad commander, since it happened such incident. “You, Lieutenant Colonel, commander of a regiment, both from dog shit — a bullet!” — said Vasily Filippovich. If you believe Alexander Margelove, subsequently, Vlasov was sent for a refresher course, and then in the airborne never saw him again. As for time, as reported by Boris Kostin, the head of counterintelligence division, reported about the incident upstairs, so the intruder still got court-martialed. Margelov promised the soldier that can speak that imprisonment he was replaced by service in a disciplinary battalion.

Yulia Popova

© Russian Seven

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