"She has not left the lungs": the nurse from Novosibirsk have burnt coronavirus in two weeks

On the death of the coronavirus 57-year-old nurse KGB No. 34 Natalia Orioles could not learn. The woman died on may 28, six days later oberstab dryly reported: “Died one patient, a woman aged 57 years.” What is the health care provider, is nowhere stated. Later the name of Natalia Orioles got in Federal “memory List” of doctors who died from the coronavirus. And only then found out that she was the third victim of the pandemic: in addition to Orioles this list includes 68-year-old radiologist Katya Scheglova provincial hospital 49-year-old pathologist from the city clinical hospital № 25 Ilya Zharkov. Relatives of the deceased the nurses think she got it at work — friends and family urged her to go on vacation or on sick leave, but she too loved her job. Details — in the material of the journalist NGS Alyona Istomina.