Is an American rapper, has his own Facebook-live stream are known. The agents fired shots to Brian Quinones (30) days after a car chase in Edina, near the northern metropolis of Minneapolis, Minnesota). According to the police arrived, the rapper who’s stage name is Blessed of The MC. used by the police officers walk in with a big knife. The market continued to be after the shot is still an hour and a half to go through.
A police patrol noticed Saturday night that the man in the red was driving and refused to stop. This led to a chase, in which Quinones on several occasions politiebevelen to see. It was, according to local media, can also be seen in the (now deleted) to the market that Quinones are already rolling, started sending.
In the rear, were the flashing lights of the police vehicle is clearly visible. The thirty-something set a few minutes later, the vehicle suddenly to the side and get out of it with a large knife, it seems. The agents will open it immediately in the fire. According to the newspaper, Minneapolis Star and Tribune in the lap of the police force by five times and repeat this after only a few seconds away.
there Is a ‘suicide by cops’ to the end of your life, it is a politiekogel? It is a fact that Quinones is a few minutes prior to the start of the live stream of the status-update”, so we are sorry’ (‘I’m sorry’ on his profile before. Is the fact that he still had hours before with a full length album with thirteen songs on the platform to Soundcloud for sharing.
In the comments, on social media, tell the fans openly that they have doubts as to the politieversie of the facts. On Sunday, about 175 people at the location where the police have the balls to open fire. The man who has to make a living was as a hairdresser, let it be a woman, and a child.
for those Who have questions about safety, you can go to the Zelfmoordlijn the toll-free number to 1813, and the site is