Now, on Sylt, contact has been made between the punks camped there and a representative of top German politics, after the punks had previously not made it to the wedding celebrations of FDP finance minister Christian Lindner and the journalist Franca Lehfeldt (35 April 2019) despite the contrary intention There were punks standing in front of a hotel in Keitum, but that was the wrong one).
Ex-Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble met two punks from the local protest camp in front of the Westerland town hall for a discussion.
Schäuble’s outfit during the panel discussion – pink polo shirt and baseball cap – revealed it: The politician, who has been a member of the Bundestag since 1972, was on holiday on Sylt. According to a report in the “Hamburger Abendblatt”, a punk named Nimbus had previously asked Schäuble’s Bundestag office whether the politician would like to come over to the punks for an interview. According to estimates by officials, the discussion between Schäuble, Nimbus and moderator Jörg Otto from the Hamburg Left District Association was followed by around 75 viewers, as reported by the “Sylter Rundschau”.
At the end of June, Westerland defended itself with local blocking measures against punks who had regularly traveled to Sylt with the nine-euro ticket and had gathered at the Wilhelminen fountain, whereby the water system had also been misused as a toilet at these meetings. No offensive or irregular behavior was reported from the meeting between Schäuble and the punks.
“I agreed on the condition that everything runs properly and that’s it and that’s good,” said the politician to the “Sylter Rundschau”.
In terms of content, the controversial discussion ranged from the distribution of wealth in Germany to international problems such as war, hunger and drought. Punker Nimbus then described Schäuble as a “professional for uncomfortable conversations” according to the “Hamburger Abendblatt”. However, he was disappointed that Schäuble did not think globally and with sufficient foresight and that the politician believed that consumer culture could be curbed by making it voluntary.
Nevertheless, the CDU man Schäuble seems to have succeeded in winning over the left-wing punk audience. The Sylter Rundschau writes of thunderous applause and shouts of “wool, wool, wool!” that are said to have been heard over the town hall square.