The pensions of three to four million low-income earners should be increased by a maximum of EUR 447 noticeable. The proceeds from a concept of basic pension Hubertus Heil, a sequel to the the Federal Minister of labour compared to the picture on Sunday. Union and SPD had agreed in the koaliton contract on a basic pension. The idea: anyone Who has worked all his life, to get at the age of more money than someone who has not done so. It was agreed that this new basic pension should be ten percent on the basic security and 35 years of contributions must be demonstrated. Also, child rearing, or Care work should be recognised. The Koaliton had promised a bill by the middle of the year to the Cabinet.
talking about the Details of the concept said the SPD politician, the salvation of the newspaper, the tax-financed premium was cheap. Unlikely to be a “mid-single-digit billion amount” per year. The society must accept this effort, but “out of respect for the life-power” of working people.
As an example, the Minister called a hairdresser, which could be expected after 40 years on the minimum wage base currently, with 514 Euro pension. “I think it’s disrespectful and undignified,” said Heil. According to his model, the hairdresser would get in the future, 961 euros a month. Higher rating of the pensions of low-wage earners, will be somewhat above the minimum wage should be. The new basic pension will also apply to existing pensioners. Would 75 percent of women benefit from the performance.
In a point concept from the coalition agreement deviates salvation: A means test is not to give it to. Union and SPD had agreed to first consider whether possible recipients are in need of interior and persons receiving this basic pension. Healing said but now, he think nothing of it, “to force people, at the office of their financial circumstances explain”. Instead, the pension insurance is to check automatically in the future, whether the Insured person is entitled to the basic pension.
the German trade Union Federation (DGB) had recently proposed an alternative model of the basic pension, to avoid bureaucracy and to reach more seniors. DGB Board member Annelie colorful Bach suggested that a pension variation to minimum pay points.