"Pedestrians like sacred cows in India": know where should go the man on the electric skateboard

Novosibirsk it is summer boom on Segways. It and is clear: it’s convenient, fast and perfect for the warmer season. But there are those who criticize samochatov (riders) for high-speed travel and driving on sidewalks. And when they move on the roadway — motorists already resent. Who is right? On this subject, says employee hire Segways Artem Makhutov N.. Published author of the column.

Novosibirsk often scooters for hire to take young people aged 20-25 years, is coming and the townspeople are older, but very rarely. Older audience we have absolutely no. The Segways themselves enough “disgust” to the weather conditions, if I may say so, so this business is still in season for the summer. In spring and autumn it is difficult to care for equipment of this type, and not to care is not: it will quickly fail. Especially in autumn and spring to ride on the roads hazardous because of ice or trivial moisture. You can slip, fall, be damaged itself, to damage equipment and possibly others.