According to initial scientific evaluations, the nine-euro ticket does not mean that many people leave their cars at home. “You have to be careful with a lot of the current data,” said the public transport project manager of the Agora Verkehrswende interest group, Philipp Kosok, of the German Press Agency. “What is available, however, is very alarming data. It indicates that the nine-euro ticket will generate more traffic and, above all, that it will hardly be shifted.”
E-mobility, transport policy and future mobility: the briefing on transport and smart mobility. For decision makers
The test therefore has no positive climate protection effect, possibly even a negative one, Kosok said. “There are indications that we have no clear climate advantage with this action.”
Among other things, surveys by the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) and a study in the greater Munich area recently revealed that only around three percent of those surveyed left their car in favor of local public transport.