"Moscow does not believe in tears": the film is the source of catch phrase and a guide to the capital celebrates 40th anniversary

Marks 40 years since the release of the famous film by Vladimir Menshov “Moscow does not believe in tears”. Over the years the picture has not lost its relevance and remains for the audience the source of the catch phrase and guide to Moscow. As the magic of cinema captured the different eras of the capital?

One of the first screenings of the film held here in DC suburban Wedge. For the premiere came even Alentova and Menchov — interested in the opinion of employees, because the film was originally conceived as a drama production.

the Production was filmed here, in the wedge, the plant “Himvolokno”. In the frame — the pride of the company: dyed viscose yarn.

that’s the same shop, on the floor identifying tile, but with 90 years, the production stopped, the huge space was divided into hangars and now rent to tenants. However, former factory workers still remember the days of shooting.

“They are not worried about equipment here, all these Directors. They need to change — they have something else put on and went”, — says Vera Segalove.

But the film turned out, of course, about the factory — about Moscow. The first part is a hymn 50-M. the heyday of poetry at the Mayakovsky monument, the crowd listens to the ascension. In the film, he, by the way, is real.

the Scene was shot incredibly long time — the Director was looking for the angle, to hide the tunnel under Tverskaya. Dig it will start only in 59. Out — and now from this point of the tunnel.

to find a suitable for exploring the contingent Luda goes to the famous Library.

Luda says she’s got a subscription to science hall, but the abstract says in the Humanities. It was opened in ‘ 58 — just this year begins the action in the film.

Recently it was restored and now it’s exactly like in the movie. Famous Smoking room, however, is closed. But the scene was shot in the pavilion.

high-rise, where at the time you move the heroine, the Director also showed focus. The facade was removed to a house on the Kudrinskaya square, the former Rebellion. This is the address sounds in the film. And the interiors were filmed in a high-rise on the spot — probably because they are more solemn. Here’s the most recognizable bas-relief and the same Elevator that ran so much character.

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the alarm clock rings, and the heroine wakes up in the 70s — in the new quarter of the houses on Mosfilm. This also invites a response in the guests.

these Houses are popularly known as generals in the apartment they gave the leadership of the Ministry of defense and the heroes of the Soviet Union.

“Gherman Stepanovich Titov — he lived here with great pleasure that I learned of his friend on many committees, where they met — Alexei Vladimirovich Batalov,” recalls the eldest of the house, Natalia Zazulina.

With Rodion, Katya is found twice on Gogol Boulevard. Here, too, the wonders of cinematography. The scene was filmed on two benches. In one shot clearly recognized the mansion of the Naryshkins. But if the heroes take a seat, and everything changes.

“When the camera focuses, we see the house, standing in front of the estate Naryshkins, and in a slightly different place — this is number 8 on the Boulevard,” says macquoid Tatiana Vorontsova.

For filming Gogol was not chosen by chance: the vessel is in the old heart of the capital, where not so noticeable change of ages and feel the spirit of the city.

Moscow still does not believe in tears: it is a city where it’s never too late to win the lottery of love.

Text: “to Conduct-Moscow”