Brussels is Not an appetizing sight in the St. Catherine Tuesday night, which a wanderer of mice spotted in the well-known ribbetjesrestaurant Amadeo. It’s not the first time that the restaurant is in the news due to health problems. “The whole street has a problem with it, ‘ says the owner.
all The mice were wed morning can be spotted by observant hikers who accidentally walked by the window of the little creatures could be seen. In the video we can see how the different kinds of animals, on the floor of the restaurant, and by each other.
See also the Public Prosecutor’s office progresses, a fine of 8,000 euros for breaches of food safety at Amadeus ‘
It’s not the first time to the restaurant in time to come. Last year, the operations of the restaurant Amadeus in Brussels, and in Kruishoutem been closed by the Federal Agency for the Safety of the food Chain (FASFC). And even then, there would be all problems with pest control.
The PRODUCTION was here last week and they did not have any comment. So there is no problem with the cleanliness. The mice have a very anoying problem, but you will be hard to get away.
Klodjan Zugu
The belgian food safety agency, meanwhile, has the maker of the film, were contacted in order to file a complaint. Spokeswoman Elizabeth Van De Voorde emphasised that, after the closing, additional verification is done. “When the restaurant re-opened, which means that they meet the criteria, and control for pests with,” what it sounds like.
“the Problem is in the streets”
In response to the Amadeus Group, which is a good variety of restaurants on that farm, in that there is a problem with pest control. “But that’s true of all of the things in the street,” said Klodjan Zugu from the group. “The problem is in the handling of the garbage on the street. Our bags will also be open, to be torn up by the homeless. That will attract a lot of vermin. We have been working with the City to make any containers to put it, but that’s not necessarily to solve the problem. The houses in the street have a different cause of action. We have a bestrijdingsfirma among the poor, but the problem is, it is difficult for the head to enter.”
According to the Zugu, customers do not need to worry about the pain. “We have, indeed, been switched off, but that was due to the infrastructure,” he said. “Now that we’re grown, and that solved it. The PRODUCTION was here last week and they did not have any comment. So there is no problem with the cleanliness. The mice are a very, very, anoying. of a problem, but you will be hard to get.”