Nina is at Least two, menstrual calendar apps, Maya, MIA, Fem, have had the sensitive details on the sexual health of its users have shared with Facebook and others. According to a new study by the Uk’s privacy watch dog, Privacy International.
Women menstruatiekalenders to their cycle to do so. For example, they can calculate when their next period is coming, but also, for example, when the vruchtbaarst it. The app allows users to self-enter information, such as the inconvenience and discomfort of their cycle to go with it, and when they last had sex, what method of contraception they used and their state of mind.
you can also Read Database with hundreds of millions of numbers, Unless found to be” Very sensitive,
From the research of Privacy International, shows that that is a very sensitive information is passed on to Facebook. The app is Maya, owned by the Indian company, Plackal Tech, the menstrual calendar, MIA Fe, is owned by by the Cyprus Mobapp Development, Ltd., have millions of users all over the world.
The information in the social network are shared using the Facebook Software Development Kit (SDK). That will help appontwikkelaars for some of the functions and data of the users, so that Facebook-targeted ads to be displayed. If a user’s personal information stored in the app, information may also be using the SDK for Facebook first.
When Maya asks you to specify how you’re feeling or what symptoms you have, it would be hoped that with the special care and treatment. But none of that information will be shared with Facebook.
Privacy International
” Privacy International has found that the Maya, and MIA. sharing with Facebook as of the moment, a user has the app on their phone, installed it, and opened it, even before she’d agreed to the privacy policy. “And when Maya asks you to specify how you’re feeling, and suggestions are offered for the symptoms that you are experiencing may have, such as blood pressure, swelling, or acne, you would hope that with the special care and treatment. But none of that information will be shared with Facebook,” says the report.