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According to a study by the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), the statistics of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) only partially reflect reality, especially in the omicron wave. This is reported by the “Bild am Sonntag”. According to this, only 46 percent of the people who are recorded in the RKI statistics as corona deaths actually died of corona in the omicron wave. With the Delta variant, it was still 85 percent.
“That means only around half of the ‘corona deaths’ reported to the RKI actually fell victim to the virus when omicron appeared,” said Stefan Kluge, director of the clinic for intensive care medicine at the UKE, the newspaper. “Only very rarely does someone who has been vaccinated and has no additional risk factors die of omicron.” Risk factors are: very old age and therapies used for cancer, organ transplants or rheumatism to suppress the immune system.
The death statistics have “no clear database”, criticizes intensive care physician Michael Albrecht from the University Hospital Dresden: “In my opinion, one should distinguish between Covid-19 as the main and secondary diagnosis.”
At the request of the newspaper, the Federal Ministry of Health informed the newspaper that they were working together with the RKI on new, daily updated queries to the hospitals. Graduation is imminent.
The RKI is currently reporting between 100 and 150 Covid 19 deaths every day. Overall, the statistics on Sunday show 147,104 people who are said to have died of Corona.