Contents page 1 — He said the S-word! Page 2 — BMW owned by the state? Hardly. On a page
Juso-chief Kevin Kühnert has and with its inlet through a mutualisation of automobile groups in a fierce debate. Of course you can wipe out as many of us do just that his proposals as economically nonsensical. But you will meet with a part of the population of a nerve.
His demands for a democratic socialism might therefore be an occasion to discuss about the state of capitalism in Germany and the Rest of the world. Who would not wish a world of free people, the “collective needs in the foreground and not the quest for profit”?
Three thoughts:
1. Capitalism is outside of the control
capitalism is, thanks to The prosperity in Germany is as high as never before, unemployment is falling steadily, the employment is at record levels. The whole world wants to buy German products. But in spite of the Golden decade, through Germany, just not to appear more many people capitalism and democracy necessarily the best partners.
One reason for the skepticism: capitalism has globalized, the need for democratic control. It is the only company not to compete with the best product and the most innovative services, but all the States are competing for the billions of multi-national corporations. Deliver it sometimes a race to the lowest tax rates and the laxeste regulation. What are the serious consequences of this Race to the bottom, has taught us the global financial crisis in 2008.
one of the brand mark should actually be the containment of the too big market of a (social) market economy. The state must define markets and corporate boundaries, if their interests run counter to the General public. In a globalised world this is becoming more and more difficult. The shows are only one of the financial industry, but also to the Power of large Internet corporations like Google or Facebook that are practically grown in a natural monopoly position.
A nationalization of the German car companies would be none of the above solve problems, but only a new, larger create. Just as nonsensical, however, it is to be hoped, for example, in the fight against climate change only to the innovation forces of markets, as it is propagated FDP-Chef Christian Lindner. The excitement is about, however, was considerably tamer.
the fact is that global capitalism has restricted the efficiency of a purely national active democracy. The European Union is a response to it. However, we need more ideas and concepts on how you can respond to this development.
2. Markets fail
From the point of view of companies should the government get involved as little as possible. The Motto: As much market as possible, as much state as necessary. In an Ideal world, the forces of the free market ensure that companies are producing as much as the consumer demands. The compensation is about the price. A functioning competition leads to better products.
So far the theory. Only, in practice there are overriding societal interests, not reflected in the prices. Or are there any markets that fail, if they are left completely to themselves. The best example of this is the housing market in Germany: Rents are increased in urban areas significantly. A person can waive a flat, barely – in contrast to a new living room Cabinet. The state also has an interest in ensuring that the population is sufficient affordable housing.