
Pixar’s Inside Out 2 has been a massive success, becoming the highest-grossing animated movie of all time. However, the journey to this success has not been without its challenges. The studio faced layoffs affecting 175 workers, or 14% of its staff, earlier this year, leaving many former employees struggling financially and emotionally.

The success of Inside Out 2 was seen as a redemption for Pixar after a series of setbacks, including COVID-19 theater shutdowns and box office disappointments. The pressure to deliver a hit was immense, with many employees feeling the weight of the studio’s future resting on the film’s success. The intense crunch to meet deadlines took a toll on the workers, with some describing it as “horrendous” and unsustainable.

Despite the record-breaking success of Inside Out 2, the laid-off employees were unable to benefit from any bonuses, adding to their financial strain. The layoffs came as a shock to many, with some feeling blindsided by the sudden loss of their jobs. The emotional impact of the layoffs was significant, with employees describing the day as feeling like a funeral.

The culture at Pixar has also come under scrutiny, with concerns raised about the studio’s aversion to LGBTQ themes in storytelling. Some employees felt that there was pressure to downplay certain aspects of characters’ identities to make them more palatable to a wider audience. The reluctance to embrace diversity in storytelling has left some employees feeling disillusioned with the studio’s creative direction.

As Pixar moves forward with projects like Elio, concerns remain about the studio’s work processes and leadership. The fear-based decision-making and unsustainable workloads have led to low morale among employees, with many feeling that their best interests are not being prioritized. The lack of trust in leadership has created a sense of uncertainty about the future of the studio.

While some former employees still have a deep love for Pixar and its storytelling, they believe that there needs to be more accountability and compensation for the hard work that goes into creating successful films. The call for justice for those who were laid off remains strong, as former employees grapple with the aftermath of losing their jobs.

Overall, the story of Inside Out 2’s success is not just about box office numbers, but also about the human cost behind the scenes. The challenges faced by Pixar employees highlight the complexities of working in the entertainment industry and the need for greater support and transparency in the workplace.