Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) has defended his plan to take the great package of services for the working conditions at subcontractors in the duty. “Right in the social market economy that keep all of the law”, – the politician said in the ARD, and was thus against the criticism of his plans, the so-called sub-contractors liability to the courier, Express and parcel industry to expand. “The allegation that the brake is a Growth, is reasonably ridiculous,” he said.
healing the large packet wants to undertake services, the social security contributions of their subcontractors to pay, if they cheat in the minimum wage. The smaller company should not do this, would be liable for the larger logistics companies. According to the Reuters news Agency, the move by the Federal Minister of labour have been initiated mainly in response to a Federal RAID of the duty, among other things, 24 criminal proceedings for withholding of social security contributions.
SPD is outraged by criticism of the coalition partner
The coalition partners, the CDU initiates healing with his plans, but on the part of large reservations. Like his party colleague, Ralph Brinkhaus – they would “look at whether the proposals of the Lord of healing are suitable,” said the leader of the Union, also responded distant salvation Cabinet colleague, Peter Altmaier. The Federal Minister of the economy, fears of more bureaucracy and additional burdens for the economy. For it was “now is the time,” said Altmaier, head of the editors ‘ network (RND) and is in agreement with BDA chief Executive, Steffen Kampeter. That said, if the state control see deficits, he needed to improve “its controls instead of law-abiding companies to new liability risks on”.
North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), however, the concern of the Federal Minister of labour be seen as “entitled” and seeks a negotiated solution with the SPD. There, especially the Secretary-General Lars klingbeil criticized the statements of the coalition partner. “The Economics Minister must decide whose side he’s on”, the resolution called for Kling. It is going to stop the exploitation of workers. To declare “as a burden on the economy, is already a nerve.” Supports healing from the Federal Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz (SPD) for the customs and for the controls from the minimum wage and social security contributions charge.
Ver.di says: industry is, in fact, divided
Yet the bill is in an early stage of the Vorkoordinierung with the Chancellery. In the coalition agreement, the project is not agreed, in view of the criticism of the failure of the package stands in the growing industry services, see healing and Scholz but, apparently, the need for action. According to the services Union ver.di the grievances piling up. The workers ‘ representatives speak of “mafia-like structures”. Ver.di, according to the labour market is divided in two. The Post subsidiary DHL and UPS only two of the five large package of services worked in Germany, mainly with own employees, mail carriers, who were paid according to Tariff. The parcel services DPD, Hermes and GLS representative in the delivery of almost exclusively sub-contractors where the work conditions are often precarious.