Over 30 years of market economy in Novosibirsk there were many enterprises which managed to pass the heyday and either went into oblivion or become part of larger and more successful businesses. However, the people who created them, have not gone away. They are now the most successful new projects. NGS begins a series of publications about the most interesting business people who have created brands and glorified Novosibirsk all over the country and abroad. The first hero was a former head of the company “Sibirskiy Bereg”, which invented the “Kirieshki”. Journalist NGS Stas Sokolov meets with Alexander Incense, now co-owner and General Director of “Neopak” to find out what is he working on now and not do in the old days.
Home “Kirieshki” said the new business came up, and showed my jacket out of plastic bags