The environment of The jongse Swedish klimaatactiviste Greta Thunberg, and the youth movement ‘Fridays for the ‘Future’ today, ‘the ambassador of Conscience award from Amnesty International to receive.
It’s going to be a prestigious award that in the past, even though to the South africa’s nobel peace laureate, Nelson Mandela, Pakistan’s vrouwenrechtenactiviste Malala Yousafzai, the Chinese artist Ai wei wei has been given.
you can also Read Greta Thunberg performs the action in front of the White House with a few hundred supporters,
Thunberg accepted the award on Monday in Washington, in. She also pointed out that the award belongs to the millions of young people who, last year, to participate in the weekly scholierenstakingen. Amnesty international says, “the unique leadership and courage shown by the young people.
Upcoming Friday will be a global klimaatstaking ” rather than, as in the united nations in New York on the matter of bows.