Hoeilaart, In the town of Hoeilaart on Friday evening, the grape festival is on course to be kicked to the openingsspektakel. Theater Titanick has brought to the intersection of the Gemeentevijver on a spectacular show, with the five ruthless pilots compete against each other shooting.
The next three days, there are lots of activities planned in the center of Hoeilaart and john Ruusbroecpark. On Saturday and Sunday there is the annual yard sale, while in the dog house again on Monday, is taking place. In addition to the rides and attractions in the city, and it is Saturday night and the Lichtstoet organized. Seven of the parade, and nearly 500 people are competing for the title. On a musical level, there are a lot of top athletes are coming to the druivengemeente. It is Discobaar A Mother, on the Saturday of the pictures, as Nerorock, on Sunday, the valves of The From the Jets, Tessa Dixson, and The Man knew how to tie. For the youngsters there’s Sunday afternoon again, Adhemarrock with Kapitein Winokio.
Monday is traditionally the day of the steegjesrace, and the festivities concluded with a fireworks display.