If the CDU wins the next federal election, party leader Friedrich Merz plans to relieve the burden on families through a new tax concept. A special innovation is that grandparents should also benefit from the relief for the first time.
CDU party leader Friedrich Merz wants to relieve the burden on families with a new tax concept if the Union is elected to government again. In the future, parents should be able to deduct larger parts of their children’s care costs from their income tax than before. This is reported by the “Bild” newspaper. An interesting component: Grandparents also benefit from tax advantages if they contribute to the care costs.
Among other things, it is planned that parents or grandparents can deduct up to 1,800 euros in expenses, for example for babysitting, per child or grandchild from their tax burden. Depending on their income, a married couple with two children could save several hundred euros a year.
As an example: under the new CDU variant, anyone who hires a cleaning lady can deduct 5,000 euros from their taxes. To date it has been a maximum of 4,000 euros.
Merz plans that the proposed regulations should also apply to children who care for their parents. This means that people who, for example, pay a carer to look after their parents can deduct up to 1,800 euros of the costs per parent from their tax burden.