John Crombez is his last day as chairman of the sp.a. The members were able to over the past weeks and vote for one of the three candidates for Crombez to do the same. The flemish deputy Conner], Which, as the only candidate with a national reputation, has the best credentials to get on the torch tomorrow and take it over. If he is not, however, more than half of the votes, behind the will, there will be a second round.
Crombez, followed in June of 2015, Bruno Tobback, if the sp.a chair, after a long voorzittersstrijd between the two. From the sp.a bad election result was Oostendenaar to resign, but the party asked him to stay until the voorzittersverkiezingen, which is built in autumn of this year planned. Crombez had, was not a candidate for a second term.
you can also Read Candidate for president Conner From (26) it would have been a party from the swamp in a hurry: “the Sp.a, an electric shock is needed”
There are three candidates, each with a running mate for Crombez to do the same. But Hannah, The Dog, to be partijmedewerker proposed candidate, together with the Elhasbia Zayou. His candidacy was supported by nine departments of the company. Antwerp, the day of Christ'(l Van der Post and its candidate, vice-president, Bart Callaert, by the three departments are presented. Conner, Rousseau, leader of the Flemish Parliament, the Hilly Funda Oru as a running mate. They have also received the support of 58 units.
The 40,000-sp.a-members are allowed over the last few weeks have the opportunity to vote for one of the kandidatenduo’s, though it will probably be less than half of the members that have done it. Tomorrow, the votes will be counted.Because of his visibility as a national partijkopstuk has Conner], Which is the greatest a chance to get the process of winning. As the face of the renewal of the party’s case, the 26-year-old from St. Nicholas, at the election of the Flemish list, pulling in Oost-Vlaanderen. After the election he became the party leader.