The search for the leading women in finance has begun! FOCUS MONEY presents the FEMALE FINANCE AWARD 2024 – a platform to honor shooting stars of the financial world and put their extraordinary talents in the spotlight.

For the third time, a top-class jury, together with the editorial team of FOCUS MONEY, has chosen outstanding women in three categories.

You are in demand! Do you know a female finance innovator who embodies everything the Female Finance Award stands for? Then don’t hesitate and nominate her on our website by July 31, 2024.

Successful, influential and committed – these characteristics characterize the female financial elite. But in an industry (still) dominated by men, they are difficult to reach. This makes it all the more important to recognize the outstanding achievements and assertiveness of these talents.

The voltage increases! On October 10, 2024, the big names in the financial world will meet for the glittering presentation of the FOCUS MONEY Female Finance Award in the vibrant financial metropolis of Frankfurt am Main. If you have any questions, please contact us by email at: Female-Finance-Award@focus- Submit your nomination here:

Last year, three impressive women were honored with the FOCUS MONEY Female Finance Award. Anna Sophie Herken, Managing Director of GIZ, received the award in the Corporate category. In the influencer category, Margarethe Honisch was honored for her platform Fortunalista and in the start-up category, Karla Schönicke and Svenja Lassen from the FIN Academy won.

Why are female role models in the financial world more important now than ever? We are exploring this question and once again honoring last year’s three award winners for their outstanding achievements.

Corporate: Anna Sophie Herken, Influencer: Margarethe Honisch and Start-up: Karla Schönicke and Svenja Lassen. You can find out more about the three winners, their achievements and developments on the following page: