"Every doctor understands it in his own way": what is a plateau and is it true that we came to it

Today for the first time since the beginning of the epidemic coronavirus infection in Russia, the number recovered per day exceeded the number of infections. The number of cases for the day, too, lately held at the same level or even gradually decreasing. Is that the plateau, which all have been waiting for a couple of months?

— Any epidemic process, whether it is due to coronavirus or influenza virus, has several phases in its flow. So before you say that such a plateau, you need to understand what peak. What we call the peak? This is the maximum number of new cases that are registered daily. If we are talking about Russia, after 22 April, the growth rate exceeded 10%. Now less than 5%, — says a leading researcher of the Federal scientific-research centre of epidemiology and Microbiology named after honoured academician N. F. Gamalei, Russian Ministry of health, the Professor Lyudmila Alimbarova.