On June 9, 2024, the day of the European elections, you have the opportunity to cast your vote even without an election notification. Don’t worry, we’ll explain how it works.
The European Parliament election will take place in Germany on June 9, 2024. Anyone eligible to vote can cast their vote by postal vote or at the ballot box. You will receive your election notification before the election.
But what happens if you lose or forget the document? Are you still allowed to vote?
The simple answer is: yes. In principle, it is also possible to vote without voting notification. The European Parliament’s official website for the European elections states: “If you have forgotten your voting notification, you must present your ID.” To do this, simply show your valid ID at your polling station. The poll workers can find you in the voters’ register and hand you the documents.
The election notifications should be sent out in early May. You should therefore receive your election notification by May 19th at the latest. However, if you did not receive this before the election, you should contact your municipality in good time to see whether you are listed on the electoral roll. If your name isn’t there, you can’t vote. One reason could be that you have not yet re-registered after moving. In this case, please ask your previous electoral district. You can also request a postal vote, regardless of whether you have already received a voting notification.
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