In no other European country consumers to pay more for their electricity than in Germany. In the coming year, power will have to reckon customers with higher prices. Most of the people find. But that need not be. With our tips, you can save a lot of money:
1. Electricity rates
on the Basis of the postcode and annual consumption comparison portals determine and compare the cheapest rate in your town. Families with a consumption of 4000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) save in the case of a provider change in the Federal German average of around 407 Euro against the utilities. In the case of Singles with a consumption of 2000 kWh, the Saving is around 204 euros, such as the comparison portal Verivox.
“it is Exciting to see how the EEG levy and the grid charges for the coming year. Both positions make up about a quarter of the price of Electricity,“ explains Lundquist Neubauer of Verivox.
consumers should be aware of, according to Neubauer, but only on the price. Important also on a short contract periods (up to 12 months), a price guarantee over the duration of the term and, if possible, a short notice period (maximum six weeks).
2. Automatic fare optimizer to use
A new, growing Segment called the automatic fare optimizer. They work partly similar to classical comparative portals:
Also in the rate optimizer, the consumer enters his zip code and individual preferences. “Afterwards, he receives a non-binding recommendation overview on the Basis of all available tariff offers,” explains Arik Meyer from the tariff optimizer SwitchUp. “The core difference of the fare optimizer is that it checks every year automatically, if a Saving can be achieved.” For this, the customer must register, however.
Is the customer of a price increase, the robot responds. “Increased provider his price, the tariff optimizer in the framework of the special right of termination, automatically appeal,” explains Meyer.
A third of all households in the basic supply tariff
often, consumers are not aware that you can save with a change of tariff a lot of money. “Still explains Neubauer – according to the Federal network Agency, around a third of all households in Germany in the so-called Basic service cost” in.
This is usually a more expensive Tariff. However, there is also good news. “The legislation guarantees that consumers will come here at any time to be flexible from your contract and switch to a cheap provider can,” explains Neubauer.
Two segments, different target groups
Meyer did not see the rate optimizer as a direct competitor to the classic comparison portals. This is mainly due to the fact that both segments have different target groups. “While Comparison websites will appeal mainly to the active Changer, the tariff optimizer primarily at people who have little exchange experience,” says Meyer. The subjects are also people who do not want to worry about your electricity tariff.
“Two-thirds of our users have no exchange experience,” he says. A consumer concludes a contract about the SwitchUp, the company receives from the new provider a Commission. For the consumer, no costs are incurred. In addition, each exchange of a right secured protection insurance.
54 percent are taxes, duties and levies
The price of Electricity is made up of many factors. Taxes, duties and levies make up around 54 per cent of the price. Other factors are the network charges for the operator, the cost of production, as well as the levy for renewable energies (EEG).
Since 2006, taxes, duties and levies more than doubled. The electricity tax amounts according to the German Association of energy and water industries (BDEW) to around seven percent.
in Addition, the procurement costs increased, according to the BDEW, within one year from 30 to 50 euros per megawatt-hour of electricity. Also crucial: The costs for CO2-certificates. They have increased since 2013 from five to 20 euros.
In the FOCUS Online/Wochit Almost 25 percent more: Why you pay more if they save electricity the price of Electricity, cost of charges Comparison websites Tariff comparison optimizer