Contents page 1 — Asia home of Investment-master page 2 — China’s Investments are not only development policy page 3 — It’s all competition is not combat On a page
read It, there were times when the world was afraid of Japan. Its companies and multi-millionaires, and bought across the globe. Sony took the film producers, Columbia Pictures, Mitsubishi large parts of the Rockefeller centre, the hotel group Minami took bought Gymnich castle near Cologne, and the construction company Aoki the Hamburg Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten. It was still the Cold war, as the American Economist and later Finance Minister, Lawrence Summers warned that Japan was a “greater threat to USA than the Soviet Union”.
More than three decades later, a country in East Asia is perceived as a threat: China. Already in 2011, it had replaced Japan as the world’s second-largest economy. Investors from the people’s Republic of today try to buy the world’s key industries in the old industrial countries, they take care of the expansion strategy of the Chinese. In Germany, especially the purchase of the robot manufacturer Kuka is a world-leading high-tech operation of this division has caused a stir. Discomfort companies such as the network equipment supplier Huawei, which was for years able to build without a lot of resistance in the German and European telecommunications industry, and equipment. Today, Huawei stands under suspicion of espionage.
The most obvious proof of the new discomfort is sure to be Beijing’s “One Belt, One Road”Plan. With approximately 900 infrastructure projects in over 60 countries, with two-thirds of the world’s population, to include a volume of 850 billion dollars, invested in the country in roads, ports, bridges, railway lines, Pipelines and fiber optic networks. New silk road is called the project.
large-scale projects, with the words “Quality”
China, However, is by no means the only state that invests with a national Plan in the world, currently it has not yet reached the largest volume of investment. Dominated China from that country, before the world, their fear long ago, Japan has passed away. The more money the government in Beijing is spending beyond the country’s own borders, the more the unloved neighbour from Tokyo seems to invest abroad. Asia’s two major powers, a bet can afford the race for regional influence.
How Japan feels motivated to show several comparative statistics. As about the latest investment report by the UN Agency for trade and development, UNCTAD, as of 2018, according to Japan, with over 160 billion US dollars, behind the United States, the world’s second-largest foreign investor. China was displaced to third place.
Figures from the Japanese Ministry of Finance documenting that the possession of Japanese companies has doubled in the foreign countries within five years. In the official development assistance Japan is behind the United States, the second-most important donor in the last five years, the expenditure increased again noticeably. This corresponds to the period since the government of China chief Xi Jinping in 2013, campaigned for the first time internationally for his silk road project.
in the case of China is also involved in Japan, many foreign investments to the state. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has presented in recent years, two large-scale projects. As the “Partnership for Quality Infrastructure”, which should begin between 2016 and 2020 110 billion US dollars for infrastructure construction is loose, on the one hand, then, for the period from 2017 to 2021 to 200 billion was extended. The word “Quality” is understood as a deliberately unfriendly demarcation of the competition from China.