"Detachment Romeo": acted as agents of the Stasi seducers

Another 18/12/19 “Detachment Romeo”: as acting agents seducers Stasi

Soviet spy Boris Grigoriev in his memoirs wrote: “the Sex was, is and will be a powerful weapon to achieve their goals in all intelligence agencies of the world”. Proof of his statement can serve as the life story of the legendary Mata Hari, which with the outbreak of the First world war was the German spy and was producing valuable information, using the reputation is well known throughout Europe for professional dancers and luring to bed “powers that be”.

History knows a lot of women (let’s not known as the Dutch temptress), who managed with the help of lovemaking to earn the complete confidence of men and Woo him the right information, to catch which it was impossible any other way. These methods have been used at almost all the intelligence world. However, in the history of intelligence are not many examples of the agents are male. However, this method has become one of the main activities of the secret police of the GDR – the Stasi.

How did the Stasi with the whole group of agents “Romeo”

the Head of the foreign intelligence service of the Stasi is not in vain called “the man without a face”: for many years, intelligence agencies could not get even a snapshot of it and didn’t know his face. Despite the fact that he wrote books and memoirs at the end of life, Markus wolf anywhere did not call the names of their scouts.

wolf was born in a family of Jewish immigrants from Germany, studied at the aviation Institute in Moscow, until 1952, he was not recalled to the homeland. In East Germany in the same year was established the intelligence service, which began to operate under the guise of the Institute for economic research. Senior researcher there, was appointed Wolff, with whom the organization had only four people. Thus was born the Stasi, which had become the largest intelligence Agency in the world, the importance of the extracted information and the professionalism of the agents bypassed the GRU and the KGB.

How did the wolf for a short time to turn their intelligence into one of the best in the world? He just invented the most effective method of extraction of secret information, sending to the West thousands of agents who tied a love relationship with women, having it. As noted by Dmitry Kiselyov, wolf is considered a “pioneer in the mass preparation of professional agents seducers”, which became known as “Romeo” for the kind of mission.

Female victims

“Squad Romeo” consisted solely of specially selected attractive men who passed the preliminary preparation to increase sexual performance and comprehensive knowledge of the art of seduction. It is not surprising that the charms of these secret service agents were amenable not only the lonely and uneventful, but interesting and beautiful women enjoying great success in men.

For example, Lotta Burghof belonged to the first category: in 32 years she never had any experience because, to put it mildly, ordinary appearance. But a young girl copes with the stationery business, in connection with which he became the Secretary of the Minister of foreign Affairs of Germany. Then one Christmas evening on her doorstep appeared elegant and charming, Otto Seidel, whom she married a month later. And although before that it was checked counterintelligence, no funny facts of his biography have been identified. As a result, the head of Lotte, the Minister of foreign Affairs, received many classified documents later than the exploration of the Stasi: the Secretary brought them at lunchtime her husband, who quickly did pictures with them.

Cancellaresca foreign intelligence Germany Gabriela Gast met with Karl-Heinz Schneider, when he was visiting friends in East Berlin. She fell in love with it immediately after an unforgettable night. The feelings Gabriela wasn’t even affected by the news that he is an agent of the Stasi. More than 20 years she has shared with him the information I got in the Federal intelligence service.

Three of the most experienced “Romeo” trying to get love Margaret Lubig working Secretary of one of the main officials of the NATO headquarters, but it remained impregnable. Yet it did not take Roland Gandt, who a few months carefully studied the habits and traits of character Margaret to finally conquer her heart. Full skill set of an experienced Lovelace ended up making the right impression, and the Secretary, which Hand was presented by the journalist working for the Danish intelligence, handed him the most valuable documents of NATO for the last 30 years!

a List of women who are victims of Stasi methods, you can continue for a long time. Many of them continued to love and look for their “Romeo” even after the last mission was very successful, and they disappeared without a trace.

Lilit Sargsyan

© Russian Seven

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