Today, Thursday, the current hour was once again in the Bundestag. Parliament debated violence against volunteers, politics and emergency services. The current hour in the ticker log.
4:25 p.m.: That’s it for the current hour!
4:18 p.m.: Then things get a little wild again. Robert Farle (non-affiliated, formerly AfD) complains about the attitude in the Bundestag against the AfD. His speaking time has long since ended. Vice President Göring-Eckadt asked him several times to finish his remarks. But Farle continues and doesn’t let himself be stopped. After about a minute he leaves. There is no applause from the AfD either.
4:03 p.m.: Finally, Kai Gehring from the Greens speaks: “Violence is not a means of democratic debate. Anyone who is now calling for people to leave has been asleep for years. Insults against volunteers, the police, the fire department, etc. are an expression of the radicalization of individual groups. That We cannot and will not tolerate it.”
3:58 p.m.: Petra Nicolaisen from the CDU/CSU says: “Democracy, this foundation of our society, is in danger. Not only from autocratic regimes from abroad, but from the increasing violence in our society. Also against those who are in the provide public service.”
3:52 p.m.: Friedhelm Boginski (FdP) speaks: “I have experienced a lot of hostility myself. I stand for a liberal who upholds the rights and freedom of every individual. The basis must be that criminal acts are prosecuted within a reasonable period of time. “
3:46 p.m.: She continues: “We protect democracy in our country. No city or village is allowed to become a democracy-free area. That’s why we need more protection. Well-designed police forces are also a basis for our democracy.”
3:42 p.m.: Katrin Göring-Eckardt from the Greens speaks: “No one in our country should ever have to be afraid to get involved, to be political and to express their opinion. I will always do everything to ensure that this freedom, this democracy This does not include violence in our country.”
3:37 p.m.: Ralph Edelhäßer is at the lectern: “We have to stand up for our values in Germany. The attacks threaten the foundation of our democracy. They undermine trust in democratic structures because they are an attack on our values of freedom, respect and tolerance They weaken the cohesion of our society.
3.30 p.m.: Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter (Parliamentary State Secretary for the Interior and for Homeland): “Sport is also affected. In 2023, referees were attacked in more than 2,500 amateur and football games. These are people who are committed to our country, our society and our democracy. They are insulted and physically threatened.”
3:25 p.m.: He continues: “However, that alone will not be enough to stop the division in society. We need compromise and appreciation for compromise. In the end, compromise has always been the fuel of our country.”
3:20 p.m.: Manuel Höferlin from the FDP says: “I am grateful that in the speeches so far the democratic factions in this house agree on violence and attacks against volunteers. The constitutional state must have the last word. And he will.”
3:14 p.m.: Tino Chrupalla (AfD) speaks: “We condemn the attacks. These need to be clarified. Many are now pulling the extremism card again. We also condemn the attack in Slovakia. We don’t need special laws for politicians. We are no better.”
3:10 p.m.: Lisa Paus (Federal Minister for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth) speaks: “In Germany, too, there is evidence that threats turn into crimes. The violence doesn’t stop. There are many examples. In 2023 alone, 2,790 attacks on political elected officials were reported. We condemn this violence without exception.”
3:05 p.m.: “A study by the University of Heidelberg found that the fear of division was 50 percent of the population in 2023 and even 66 percent in 2024. People don’t feel heard. “That was your reign,” Throm said.
3:02 p.m.: It’s Alexander Throm from the CDU/CSU: “In a democracy we argue with words, not with fists. In a democracy this can sometimes come to a head. But it should never be with hatred and agitation. This cannot be tolerated.”
2:58 p.m.: “What state our democracy would be in if all the volunteers no longer existed. We have to be very clear here. No one who is committed to democracy should be afraid. Therefore, criminal law must be applied consistently. We need better protective measures. We have to be louder,” says Klingbeil.
2:55 p.m.: SPD man Lars Klingebeil begins: “There were attacks on volunteers as early as 2019. Matthias Ecke is not an isolated case. This has been evident for several years. These people need our protection and our solidarity.”
2 p.m.: Welcome to the FOCUS Online live ticker. In the current hour, the members of the Bundestag are dealing with the “threat to our democracy – violence against voluntary work, politics and emergency services”.