"Contracted from her husband": a 64-year-old Siberian had Kovalam and told through what horrors it held

the Resident of Novosibirsk Nina Savchenko 64. She contracted the coronavirus from her husband: he was hospitalized to the infectious diseases hospital, and she was in the hospital on the basis of hospital № 25. There the pensioner worse — she went out with even more lung damage than did. Medical Explorer NGS Maria Tishchenko spoke to her about the horrors that she went through, and how she feels now. Hereinafter in the first person.

could say

I got Sick on 4 may. Contracted from my husband (and he, we believe, ill coronavirus infection in the ophthalmic Department of the city hospital, which was lying). Husband by that time was hospitalized to the city infectious diseases hospital. I have a fever, came the local doctor, prescribed me an antibiotic, antiviral drug, all that I saw until may 10, but the condition has not changed.